
  • Dr. Janardan Paudel Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Dr. Khem Bahadur Chhetri Nepal Sanskrit University, Nepal


Creativity, Critical thinking, Curriculum, Education for Peace and sustainability, Globalization


            The aim of this research paper is to illustrate that educational systems are fundamentally built upon their curriculum and underscore the urgency of updating the current curriculum framework to align with evolving societal dynamics and the evolving needs of students, with a particular focus on fostering creativity and critical thinking to enhance peace, sustainability and prosperity in a country. In today's interconnected global environment, which has reshaped our daily concerns, it is imperative that the curriculum places a strong emphasis on nurturing creative thinking and critical analysis to promote peace and sustainability. When most people think of creativity, they typically envision skillful outcomes. A creative mindset is renowned for generating fresh innovative ideas, and it requires a robust mental capacity to enhance sustainability and peace. Students who engage in creative thinking are more inclined to excel in both learning and creative expression. Consequently, creative learning equips students to not only adapt but also thrive in the complexities of our contemporary society and environment. So, this study underscores the significance of integrating critical thinking as a means to cultivate creativity in the context of creative learning for keeping peace and promote sustainable development. The research methodology employed in this qualitative study is document analysis. The findings of this study suggest that traditional curricula need substantial revision in the era of globalization, where education itself is globalized. In response to this, education should align with global trends to foster creativity and critical thinking, ultimately enhancing students' capacity for sustainability learning and adaptation.


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How to Cite

Dr. Janardan Paudel and Dr. Khem Bahadur Chhetri, “TRANSFORMING EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM TO CULTIVATE CREATIVITY, CRITICAL THINKING, AND SUSTAINABLE PEACE DEVELOPMENT”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 9, no. GHRIEBM, p. 12, Mar. 2024.