
  • Madaminova Yulduz Bakhadirovna Teacher at the 1st state specialized school for in - depth study of certain subjects, Khorezm region, Gurlan district



Teaching methodology, students, English-speaking environment, practical lessons.


This article explores innovative methods of teaching English. The article discusses and studies world experiences, highlights problems and shortcomings. The level of English proficiency of the majority of graduates of Uzbekistan schools and Universities does not allow them to pass entrance exams to foreign Universities and communicate freely with potential employers. This gives rise to numerous discussions about ways to improve the methodology of teaching English.


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How to Cite

Madaminova Yulduz Bakhadirovna, “INNOVATIVE METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH: ANALYSIS OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 7, no. ICMEI, p. 6, Jan. 2023.