Potable water, Domestic treated water, Industrial treated water, Compressive strength.Abstract
Water is a basic element in construction and construction industry required fresh water. Nowadays, we are facing problem related to availability of fresh/potable water.Considering this problem, this research deals with study of the effect of different type of treated waste water on properties of concrete such as compressive strength with respect to potable water. The domestic treated wastewater sample collected from Sewage water treatment plant (STP) in Lalkhadi and Industrial treated wastewater sample from effluent treatment plant (ETP) near Amravati city. Water samples of domestic treated waste water and industrial treated waste water tested in laboratory to calculate impurities of water such as pH, BOD & COD etc. After testing impurities of treated waste water, it is observed that all parameters of treated water are in permissible limit. Concrete cube casted with Industry treated water, domestic treated waste water and potable water for M20 & M25 grade of concrete and compared result. The result indicate that the compressive strength of industrial treated waste water and domestic treated waste water is gradually decreases but within acceptable limit as compare to the potable water the chemical analysis were performed by free chlorine by (starch iodide test) titration method.
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